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Choro's gone to great lengths to curate the image of a charitable, friendly fellow that people can approach with ease. Generally one to go with the flow of things, Choro has a tendency to bite his tongue when things irk him. He'd rather throw some shade later on than confront the source. As a result, it only adds to his easy going and approachable image since he seldom voices any issues he has.Though let's be real, Choro is a man easily swayed by others. With the deep rooted belief that being helpful means people are more likely to like him, he's become a people pleaser to a fault. Given his tendencies to invite people out to socialize, it's easy to hide that need for validation behind a smile and some ear wiggles.And if all else fails, well, he's not above giving out some gil. All according to plan, really, to come across as altruistic. Who wouldn't like that free spender when they're buying gifts for everyone or donating to the less fortunate? The man has an image to uphold! He's fooled himself into thinking he's a good person, having grown from the errors of his past self. Who's to say he isn't?It's not like anyone truly has gotten to know him - and he intends to keep it that way.


Rare is it for Choro to talk about his past. To him, it simply happened. He's done a lot that most people would regret, having spent most of his life embracing the underbelly of society. Lives lost, coin exchanged, bodies sold under his watch; all brushed off with a wave of his hand. Everyone has their regrets - Choro just happens to have so few of them. There's nothing that can be done about all the hurt his misdeeds caused and he's accepted that fact. The world is harsh and just like so many others, he was just trying to survive. But there's only so much a person can do, scheming and stealing his way across Eorzea. With the sole goal of obtaining gil as his driving force, Choro decided if he wanted to make the big money, he'd have to go legitimate.Changing to a merchant was simple enough. Calling on a trusted comrade, he quickly settled into the role of quartermaster and black market contact for a well-off adventurer company. Despite the consistent flow of gil into his coffers, Choro found life behind a desk mind numbing. More times than not the man wanted to leave and find some sort of entertainment. He ached for the allure of danger around the corner, of keeping his wits about while tracking; hell, a part of him even missed hopping from ship to ship in search of treasure like some self-styled pirate.But that's all in the past now, where it should stay. He's a different man now - a better man now. After all, he's got a sensible job and responsibilities. But idle hands lead to an idle mind, so he keeps busy. At least, as busy as he can with a handful of assistants to do most of his work, having been taken on via the company to "lighten his load." The thought of having assistants makes him scoff, though his unvoiced annoyance at his abundance of free time remains unnoticed.While he can't simply disappear for weeks on end like before, a few nights here and there aren't uncommon. Habitually reappearing with some sort of rare item, Choro's casual tossing of it into a chest for someone else to take is concerning at times. Fleecing it would be simple enough with his connections. But fooling his company into thinking he's the sort of guy who wants to see them thrive? Absolutely riveting. It's a bit of a game seeing how much trust they'll put into him. Poor saps.Frankly, he's reached his dream of striking it rich. With all his gil now he's fine just tossing it out for people as he sees fit. He's experienced life from both sides - the destitute and the affluent - and both are awful in their own ways. So he'll live somewhere in the middle, taking in what he can and passing out whatever doesn't interest him. Maintain that charitable guise and all that nonsense.What is there to do after finally reaching one's goal? Choro's not sure but he'll figure something out.


  • Choro is a transman! He's had top surgery and foregoes wearing a shirt more times than not.

  • To the surprise of most people, Choro has an obscene amount of gil that he seldom spends on himself. A lot of work has gone into accumulating it but after reaching the top, he doesn't care anymore. He's lost his drive and thinks giving people money will make them like him.

  • Definitely addicted to gambling now but won't ever admit to it. It's just a silly and fun way to pass the time is all! Play against him and you're pretty much guaranteed to win most of what he has on him.

  • Loves ocean fishing and is frequently trying to get his company's adventurers to join him on the boats. Success varies.

  • Doesn't drink alcohol in any capacity. Makes for a great bar manager because he's always on top of how much stock there is of each available drink.


Choro's gone to great lengths to curate the image of a charitable, friendly fellow that people can approach with ease. Generally one to go with the flow of things, Choro has a tendency to bite his tongue when things irk him. He'd rather throw some shade later on than confront the source. As a result, it only adds to his easy going and approachable image since he seldom voices any issues he has.Though let's be real, Choro is a man easily swayed by others. With the deep rooted belief that being helpful means people are more likely to like him, he's become a people pleaser to a fault. Given his tendencies to invite people out to socialize, it's easy to hide that need for validation behind a smile and some ear wiggles.And if all else fails, well, he's not above giving out some gil. All according to plan, really, to come across as altruistic. Who wouldn't like that free spender when they're buying gifts for everyone or donating to the less fortunate? The man has an image to uphold! He's fooled himself into thinking he's a good person, having grown from the errors of his past self. Who's to say he isn't?It's not like anyone truly has gotten to know him - and he intends to keep it that way.


Rare is it for Choro to talk about his past. To him, it simply happened. He's done a lot that most people would regret, having spent most of his life embracing the underbelly of society. Lives lost, coin exchanged, bodies sold under his watch; all brushed off with a wave of his hand. Everyone has their regrets - Choro just happens to have so few of them. There's nothing that can be done about all the hurt his misdeeds caused and he's accepted that fact. The world is harsh and just like so many others, he was just trying to survive. But there's only so much a person can do, scheming and stealing his way across Eorzea. With the sole goal of obtaining gil as his driving force, Choro decided if he wanted to make the big money, he'd have to go legitimate.Changing to a merchant was simple enough. Calling on a trusted comrade, he quickly settled into the role of quartermaster and black market contact for a well-off adventurer company. Despite the consistent flow of gil into his coffers, Choro found life behind a desk mind numbing. More times than not the man wanted to leave and find some sort of entertainment. He ached for the allure of danger around the corner, of keeping his wits about while tracking; hell, a part of him even missed hopping from ship to ship in search of treasure like some self-styled pirate.But that's all in the past now, where it should stay. He's a different man now - a better man now. After all, he's got a sensible job and responsibilities. But idle hands lead to an idle mind, so he keeps busy. At least, as busy as he can with a handful of assistants to do most of his work, having been taken on via the company to "lighten his load." The thought of having assistants makes him scoff, though his unvoiced annoyance at his abundance of free time remains unnoticed.While he can't simply disappear for weeks on end like before, a few nights here and there aren't uncommon. Habitually reappearing with some sort of rare item, Choro's casual tossing of it into a chest for someone else to take is concerning at times. Fleecing it would be simple enough with his connections. But fooling his company into thinking he's the sort of guy who wants to see them thrive? Absolutely riveting. It's a bit of a game seeing how much trust they'll put into him. Poor saps.Frankly, he's reached his dream of striking it rich. With all his gil now he's fine just tossing it out for people as he sees fit. He's experienced life from both sides - the destitute and the affluent - and both are awful in their own ways. So he'll live somewhere in the middle, taking in what he can and passing out whatever doesn't interest him. Maintain that charitable guise and all that nonsense.What is there to do after finally reaching one's goal? Choro's not sure but he'll figure something out.


  • Choro is a transman! He's had top surgery and foregoes wearing a shirt more times than not.

  • To the surprise of most people, Choro has an obscene amount of gil that he seldom spends on himself. A lot of work has gone into accumulating it but after reaching the top, he doesn't care anymore. He's lost his drive and thinks giving people money will make them like him.

  • Definitely addicted to gambling now but won't ever admit to it. It's just a silly and fun way to pass the time is all! Play against him and you're pretty much guaranteed to win most of what he has on him.

  • Loves ocean fishing and is frequently trying to get his company's adventurers to join him on the boats. Success varies.

  • Doesn't drink alcohol in any capacity. Makes for a great bar manager because he's always on top of how much stock there is of each available drink.

RP Hooks

  • Quest NPC: Choro works for an adventuring company and while he doesn't personally give out the quests, he is in charge of appraisals and payment.

  • Shady Quest NPC: Ever since going legitimate, Choro hasn't committed any crimes. That being said, he's not above hiring someone else to do some shady work for him. He keeps his hands clean and someone gets a big payout. It's a win-win for everyone! Jobs like that are personally given out by him and kept on the downlow.

  • Fish Emotions: With his abundance of free time, Choro catches the ocean fishing boat whenever he can. He's more than happy to talk about fishing whenever given the chance.


He/Him | 28

Thanks for taking the time to read about Choro! He was never intended to be a character for role playing but the OC brainworms were strong.Always down to vibe and help when I can! I'm normally found gnawing on the nearest market board and summoning bell while tabbed out watching something or playing another game. Or if I'm actually doing content in game, it's probably doing maps, crafting, or gathering.